Houston SEO Expert Tactics; Prioritizing SEO By Impact
Prioritizing SEO Tasks By Impact – pt2
Instead, we decided to switch over to blog refreshes. We came up with a list of older blog posts that we thought were ripe for updates and started updating the content. We did not need to do extensive reviews, and we knew we could implement the necessary changes. Consequently, blog traffic picked up, which allowed us to show some improvements without having to create new content.
At the end of it all, search engine optimizations are often dependent on other departments to bear results. It is vital that you be aware of available resources and that you adjust when need be.
Align Recommendations with Your Business Goals
While aligning with your business goals seems like an obvious thing, it is vital that to ensure that you’re driving results that will impact the entire organization. Is that something that you are going to do? Or are the recommendations you suggest simply geared towards improving organic revenue and traffic?
Consider Client B above. At the commencement of the program, we identified a core set of keywords to work with and the type of content we’d need to get more visibility. We all agreed until we created the content.
While they understood that they needed content, they felt that it really did not fit with existing campaigns and their current strategy.
So three blog posts sat there unpublished – until months later.
We asked questions and got integrated into their demand gen calendar, and as it turns out, the three unpublished blog posts would fit perfectly in an upcoming campaign.
It was a simple thing to overlook. The content we’d made was perfectly okay for the program; however, it was not necessarily a fit for their campaign at that moment.
Ensure that you understand not only the objectives of the SEO team but also the objectives of supporting teams and those of the business in entirety.
Do Not Jump at the Trends
Last month, I made a presentation on some of the most common SEO mistakes we make. One of those mistakes is overreacting to Google’s many changes and updates.
Okay, I get it. I do. When Google says that we need to make our sites more secure or it will start warning users, it is vital that we listen and make the necessary changes. However, when Google suggests that we make our sites secure and then cannot figure out how to differentiate between non-secured and secured versions, it can be a bit frustrating.
Remember Google Plus? Authorship? And what about 300-character meta-descriptions? Well, wasn’t that a fun minute.
We need to make sure that what we recommend actually makes sense for our businesses. We cannot provide recommendations just because Google suggested it.
Okay, I am not saying that your site should not be secured or that it should not be mobile-friendly and fast. What I’m trying to say is that your mobile traffic probably is a bit insignificant, so you do not have to spend 90% of your time focusing on your mobile strategy.
Here is another good example.
When AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) was introduced, it seemed like a straightforward thing to do. While it was designed for publishers, Yoast made it simpler, and because of that, it became part of our typical technical recs. But then again, what about those not using WordPress? What about people using CMS (Custom Content Management Systems) who’d need to hire developers to build out accelerated mobile pages’ functionality? Was it even worth it?
Sadly, it was not. In such a case, the webmaster did not publish tons of new content, and their mobile traffic figures were significantly small. Even more revealing, mobile search results for most of their core terms did not contain accelerated mobile pages results.
Google told us to ‘Jump,’ but in that case, there wasn’t a reason to jump.
Final Thoughts
In the end, it is important to remember that success is a moving target. We live in a time of where people consider what you have done for them lately and not what you have been doing for them. A program may change within a few months or in a year. As search engine optimization specialists, it is vital that we continue, adjusting, measuring and ensuring that our strategies align with the ever-changing landscape.
Remember, while you could try and fix everything, that is not always the only option. Help your team become successful by prioritizing tasks. Help them understand what’s going to have a greater impact and provide recommendations that are business objectives oriented.
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