What Benefits You Can Get From SEO In Houston Pt 2
12 Key Benefits Of SEO To Your Business
Part 2
6. Investment For Your Business’ Future
At this point, you may have heard that once you’ve done SEO, it doesn’t stop there. It is an ongoing process, and you won’t be able to see overnight results. You must be committed to SEO, especially if you want your website to become an online business powerhouse. This is because Google keeps updating its search algorithms. That is why it’s essential to learn about the latest changes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and make the necessary adjustments to your site on a regular basis.
However, once all of these efforts have paid off, your website will be able to bring you more visitors, better conversions, increased revenue, and a better-looking future for your business.
7. Highest ROI
SEO strategies help you to achieve the highest ROI (return-on-investment) for your business. The great thing about SEO is that it can easily be used as a strategy across all company sizes, whether you are an independent blogger or own a large e-commerce platform.
Did you know that leads from SEO campaigns have a whopping 14.6% close rate? Its offline counterpart, such as print or mail advertising, has a low 1.7% close rate. For this reason alone, marketing professionals strongly believe that organic search strategies are the most effective ways to generate sales.
8. Understand Your Customers
Through Google Analytics (or other similar platforms), you can easily track your website’s performance and traffic sources. You can find out which keywords are most effective in driving traffic to your sites, the actual search terms that users are using to land on your pages, what landing pages receive the most clicks, what social media platforms are most popular for sharing your content, demographic, interests and more. This data can help you target specific market segments, which can increase conversions.
9. Cost-Efficient Marketing Strategy
Many people might disagree – but, SEO is a cost-effective strategy that can generate higher ROI over time. Traditional marketing strategies such as paid advertisement require a higher budget to have any scale and immediate impacts. In contrast, SEO takes time, but it’s more likely to be sustainable and scalable (with less investment).
10. Gain Huge Competitive Advantage
Fun fact: 63.6% of businesses use SEO as their primary form of marketing and keep increasing these numbers. You can gain a huge competitive advantage by getting your website on the first page results of Google – which means more traffic, leads, and sales for your business.
11. Enhanced User Experience
Did you know that websites that don’t display ads and pop-ups but only high-quality content (optimized for search engines) can see a dramatic shift in organic traffic? On the contrary, websites loaded with annoying adverts and pop-ups harm user experience, which significantly impacts bounce rate. In other words, users are more likely to leave your web pages and more likely to tell their friends about bad experiences.
Google rewards sites that give a quality user experience and penalizes websites that have intrusive ads or misleading elements.
12. Non-Stop Lead Generation All Year Round
SEO can give you long-term traffic results. If professionals manage your SEO campaign, it could bring traffic to your site even when you’re not actively promoting it. In other words, SEO can increase the number of leads for your business all year round – not just during a limited time period. This is because organic search engine optimization results in increased traffic, and it’s a scalable (and sustainable) form of marketing.
Call us or contact us today for your free consultation! Visit our blog for more related articles on how to execute the best SEO in Houston! Missed the first issue of this article? Click here!